

tier1.jp provides technical information around computer hardware and software.

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Installing Debian stretch without network (2nd.)@guide

First, we install Debian stretch on a network isolated machine using netinst ISO.

Installing Debian base system for modern amd64@guide

This is a step-by-step guide to install Debian GNU/Linux into a modern amd64 PC, which has a SSD and/or NVMe. Setting LVM over LUKS and manual TRIM, with separated mountpoints with various options.

Debian Stretch base installation guide (2nd. edition)@guide

Debian Stretch, small and secure read-only filesystem installation guide (for amd64).

Debian logcheck settings (2nd.)@guide

Debian stretch log managements (logcheck).

Debian Japanese Input support by IBus-Mozc and fonts. (2nd.)@guide

Debian stretch localization (especially Japanese)

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